QR Tutor: 10018 – The Hand – Ulnar Nerve
Category: Anatomy, Pre-Clinical, Pre-Medical, Regional Anatomy, Systems Anatomy, Upper Limb Tags: 10018, 3 palmar interossei, 4 dorsal interossei, abductor, abductor digiti minimi, adductor pollicis, claw hand, dorsal branch, dorsal sparing, dorsal ulnar dorsal sensation, flexor, flexor digiti minimi, flexor pollicis brevis, flexors, fourth lumbricals, hand, hypothenar muscles, interosseus muscles, oblique heads, oponens digit minimi, opponens digiti minimi, palmar sensation, QR Tutor, QR Tutorial, specimen 10018, superficial ulnar, the hand, third lumbricals, thumb muscles, transverse heads, ulnar nerve branches, ulnar nerve damage, ulnar nerve injuries, ulnar verve