Dissection: The Gluteal Region
Category: Human Dissection Labs, Human Dissection Labs, Lower Limb, Lower Limb, Lower Limb, Pre-Clinical, Pre-Medical, Regional Anatomy Tags: dissection, gluteal, gluteal region, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius muscle, gluteus minimus, greater trochanter, inferior gluteal artery, ischial tubersoity, ischioanal fossa, obturator internus muscle, perineal membrane, posterior cutaneous nerve, sacrotuberous ligament, sacrum, sciatic nerve, superficial fascia, superior gluteal artery
Excellent video! Thank you for taking the time to show us the Gluteal region and show us some of the things we may not have learned in class when studying this region. Many of the students from my class frequent your website and are thankful for the videos that you post 🙂