Osteology: The Cervical Vertebrae

This video covers the osteology of the cervical vertebrae. It outlines the major orienting features, the major landmarks, as well as the major muscle and ligament attachments. In addition, there is also a portion showing major motions and joint involvements as well as some clinical correlations affecting the cervical vertebrae.

2 Comments on “Osteology: The Cervical Vertebrae

    • I am not sure whether you were referring to the video quality or the information quality. That said.
      The osteology video’s were made by local High school students as a class project. Some groups did very well and others are a bit rough. We will be redoing the osteology this next summer and ensure that they are appropriate for various levels of study. I think the cervical osteology video was a bit too advanced of a project for high school students. They all tried really hard though.
      Dr. G